From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Ginkakuji Temple (silver pavilion)
2. By Keihan Railway + Kyoto City Bus (No.203, 7, 102)
2-1 Fushimi Inari Shrine to Demachiyanagi Sta.
2-2 Demachiyanagi Sta. to Ginkakuji Temple
1. Overview

How to get to Ginkakuji Temple from Fushimi Inari Shrine ?
You can go by Keihan Railway + Kyoto City Bus No.203, 7 or 102 via Demachiyanagi station.
The recommended way to Ginkakuji Temple from Fushimi Inari Shrine is by Keihan Railway + Kyoto City Bus No.203, 7 or 102 via Demachiyanagi station.
There is no direct bus service available between Fushimi Inari Shrine and Ginkakuji Temple.
The map below is the overview of the route, stops, time and fare.
Actually, how long does it take from Fushimi Inari Shrine to Ginkakuji Temple after all ?
I’ll show you the example of travel time, including average walking and waiting time.
»»» Keihan Railway + Kyoto City Bus (No. 203 , 7 , 102 ) via Demachiyanagi Sta.
It takes in total about 50 – 55 minutes (¥510).
From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Keihan Fushimi-Inari station (5 minutes’ walk).
Keihan trains are operated almost every 10 minutes, and 20 minutes’ ride to Demachiyanagi station.
From Demachiyanagi station, 8 minutes by bus to bus stop near Ginkakuji, and plus 8 minutes’ walk to Ginkakuji Temple.
The following sections are the details of this recommended route.
2. Keihan Railway + Kyoto City Subway for Ginkakuji Temple
2-1 From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Keihan Demachiyanagi Station

At first, I’ll show you the way from Fushimi Inari Shrine (main hall) to the Keihan Railway Demachiyanagi station to transfer for Kyoto City Bus.
1. Head for Keihan Fushimi Inari Station

From the main hall, please walk to diagonally right direction, and go through the Torii-gate on your right.

After going through other Torii-gate, cross JR crossing.

In about 5 minutes’ walk from the main hall, you come to Keihan Railway Fushimi Inari station.
Trains for Demachiyanagi station depart from track No.1, so please go across the railway crossing and enter the ticket gate.
2. Take trains at Fushimi Inari Station, Track No.1

At Fushimi Inari station, local, sub-express and express trains are available.
All types of the trains departing from track No. 1 take you to Demachiyanagi station.
In the daytime, sub-express trains are mainly operated.
(The Picture : Train at Fushimi Inari station Track No.1)
3. You can change to limited express at Sanjo Station, if you in a hurry.

On the way to Demachiyanagi station, you can change to limited express train at Sanjo station if you in a hurry.
On Keihan Railway line, you can ride limited express trains without any extra charge.
But, please be careful that some limited express trains have reserved seat (usually car No.6) called “premium car”, so please ride other non-reserved cars.
4. Get off at Demachiyanagi Station, and Head for Eidenguchi Gate & Exit 4 to Transfer.

In 20 minutes’ ride by local or sub-express, trains arrive at Demachiyanagi station.
(16 minutes if you change to limited express at Sanjo station)
After getting off, please head for Eidenguchi ticket gate (meaning gate for Eizan Railway) by stairs, escalator or elevator located in the middle of the platform.
After getting out from Eidenguchi gate, walk to the right direction, and head for Exit No.4.

This is the Exit 4.
After getting out, turn left.

Then, you can see Demachiyanagi-ekimae bus stop B ahead. (ekimae means “in front of Demachiyanagi station” in Japanese)
2-2 Demachiyanagi-ekimae (Sta.) bus stop to Ginkakuji Temple
From Demachiyanagi station to Ginkakuji temple, you can take Kyoto City Bus No. 203 , 7 or 102 .
( No.7 used to operate as No.17)
( No.102 is, called “Rakuraku-Line Bus“, currently operated only on weekends & holidays.)
Bus services are a lot, almost 10 times and more per hour in the daytime in total.
The name of the bus stop you ride is Demachiyanagi-ekimae.
The followings are the detais.
1. Take Kyoto City Bus No.203, 7 or 102 at Demachiyanagi-ekimae Bus Stop “B”

Take Kyoto City Bus No. 203 , 7 or 102 at Demachiyanagi-ekimae bus stop B.
Buses are operated a lot in the daytime in total.
2. Get off at Ginkakuji-michi Bus Stop, and Walk toward the big intersection.

In 8 minutes, the bus No.203 , No.7 & No.102 arrive at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop, Please get off.
Bus No.203 stop at different bus stop from No.7 & 102.
Anyway, walk toward the big intersection near you, and head for the sidewalk between the stream and the clock.
Please refer the map below.
3. Walk on the path along the stream.

Please keep walking on the path along the stream.
4. Cross the Bridge, and Follow the Street.

In 4 minutes’ walk from the intersection, you come to the small bridge crossing the stream. Then cross the bridge, and go up the slightly uphill street in front of you.
From that bridge, the path along the stream is called “Philosopher’s Walk” or “the Path of Philosophy”. (“Tetsugaku-no-michi” in Japanese)
You can also visit Eikando Temple or Nanzenji Temple through the walk after visiting Ginkakuji Temple (1,2 mile, 2 km, about 25 minutes’ walk).

Keep walking the uphill street.
5. Finally, the Gate of Ginkakuji Temple !

In 3 minutes from the small bridge where the Philosopher’s Walk starts, you finally come to the gate of Ginkakuji Temple.