From Arashiyama area to Ginkakuji Temple (silver pavilion)
2. By Keifuku Railway (Randen) + Bus No.203 (or No.102)
2-1 By Randen : to Kitano-Hakubaicho Sta.
2-2 By Bus : transfer, and to Ginkakuji Temple3. By JR (Sagano line) + Bus No.204, 203
3-1 By JR : Saga-Arashiyama Sta. to Enmachi Sta.
3-2 By Bus : transfer, and to Ginkakuji-michi Bus Stop
1. Overview

How to get to Ginkakuji Temple from Arashiyama area ?
You can go 〈1〉 by Keifuku Railway (Randen) + Kyoto City Bus No.203 (or No.102) or 〈2〉 by JR line + Kyoto City Bus No.204, 203.
The recommended ways to Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) from Arashiyama area is “by Keifuku Railway + Bus” or “by JR line + Bus”.
There is no direct train or bus service available between them.
The map below is the overview of the routes, stops, time and fare.
From Arashiyama to Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion), firstly please head for Keifuku Railway (Randen) or JR line station.
The locations of those two stations are separated (10 minutes’ walk), and station names are also a little bit different (Arashiyama : Keifuku Railway, Randen, Saga-Arashiyama : JR Sagano line).
So, basically, use nearer station from your last locaiton in Arashiyama.
Check the location map below, showing time to each station from main attractions in Arashiyama.
If you don’t know which one to take, please use Keifuku Railway (randen) .
The reason is that the arrival station of the Randen (Kitano-Hakubaicho) is more bus services at the same bus stop for Ginkakuji temple.
By Kiefuku Railway (Randen) , it takes 20 minutes’ ride and ¥250 to Kitano-Hakubaicho station.
Trains are operated almost every 10 minutes.
From the arrival Kitano-Hakubaicho station to Ginkakuji, it takes at least 28 minutes by bus (¥230) plus 8 minutes walk.
By this route, it takes, for example, about 1 hour to 1 hour & 15 minutes to Ginkakuji Temple from Togetsukyo Bridge, the center and symbol of Arashiyama, including average walking, waiting and transfer time.
On the other hand,
By JR line , it takes 7 minutes’ ride and ¥190 to Enmachi station.
Trains are operated almost every 15 minutes.
From the arrival Enmachi station to Ginkakuji, it takes at least about 30 minutes by bus (¥230) plus 8 minutes walk.
By this route, it takes, in total, about 1 hour & 15 minutes from Togetsukyo Bridge.
If you have JR-pass (Japan Rail Pass), of course JR line is fine.
The followings are the details of each route.
2. By Keifuku Railway (Randen) + Bus for Ginkakuji Temple
2-1 By Keifuku Railway (Randen) : From Arashiyama to Kitano-Hakubaicho Sta.

Keifuku Railway (Randen) Arashiyama station is located between Togetsukyo Bridge and Bamboo Forest.
It takes 2 minutes from the Togetsukyo Bridge, 5 minutes from the Bamboo Forest.
By Keifuku Railway, the convenient station for Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) is Kitano-Hakubaicho.
All trains depart from Arashiyama station don’t go to the station, Kitano-Hakubaicho directly.
You need to change trains on the way, at Katabirano-tsuji Station.
The followings are the details.
1. Take any trains at Arashiyama Station.

For Ginkakuji temple, take any trains departing from Arashiyama station.
All trains are bound for Shijo-Omiya, near downtown area.
2. Change Trains at Katabirano-tsuji Station.

Please transfer at Katabirano-tsuji station on the way, the fifth station from Arashiyama.
Trains from Arashiyama arrive at track No.2.
And, trains for Kitano-Hakubaicho wait for you at track No.3 or 4.
(The Picture : Track No.2 and 4)

Transfer time is short, but don’t worry.
It’s easy to transfer because track No.2, 3 and 4 is the same platform.
And, the trains depart after all passengers ride on completely.
(The Picture : Track No.3 and 4)
3. Arrive at Kitano-Hakubaicho Station in 12 minutes

From Katabirano-tsuji station, the trains arrive at Kitano-hakubaicho station in 12 minutes.
Kitano-hakubaicho station is the last stop, so it’s easy when you get off.
2-2 By Bus : From Kitano-Hakubaicho Sta. to Ginkakuji
From Kitano-Hakubaicho station to Ginkakuji temple, you can take Kyoto City Bus No. 203 . Only on weekends & holidays, bus No.102 (Rakuraku-Line) is also available.
Bus services are almost 6 or 7 times per hour in the daytime in total.
The name of the bus stop you ride is also Kitano-Hakubaicho.
In 28 minutes by bus No.203 (& No.102 ), the buses arrive at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop.
The followings are the details including how to transfer.
1. After Getting out of the Randen Station, Turn Left and Cross the crosswalks

After getting out of the Kitano-Hakubaicho station, please cross the crosswalk twice on your left.
Then, Kitano-Hakubaicho bus stop A is located adead.
(From the viewpoint of the station exit)
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.203 (or No.102) at Kitano-Hakubaicho Bus Stop “A”

In just a minute, you come to Kitano-hakubaicho bus stop A.
Please ride any early bus, No.203 , (or No.102 if weekends & holidays.)
3. Get off at Ginkakuji-michi Bus Stop, and Walk toward the big intersection.

In 28 minutes, the bus No.203 (or No.102 ) arrive at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop, Please get off.
Walk toward the big intersection behind you, and head for the sidewalk between the stream and the clock.
Please refer the map below.
4. Walk on the path along the stream.

Please keep walking on the path along the stream.
5. Cross the Bridge, and Follow the Street.

In 4 minutes’ walk from the intersection, you come to the small bridge crossing the stream. Then cross the bridge, and go up the slightly uphill street in front of you.
From that bridge, the path along the stream is called “Philosopher’s Walk” or “the Path of Philosophy”. (“Tetsugaku-no-michi” in Japanese)
You can also visit Eikando Temple or Nanzenji Temple through the walk after visiting Ginkakuji Temple (1,2 mile, 2 km, about 25 minutes’ walk).

Keep walking the uphill street.
6. Finally, the Gate of Ginkakuji Temple !

In 3 minutes from the small bridge where the Philosopher’s Walk starts, you finally come to the gate of Ginkakuji Temple.
3. By JR train + Bus for Ginkakuji Temple
3-1 By JR (Sagano line) : From Arashiyama to Enmachi Sta.

JR (Sagano line) Saga-Arashiyama station is located about 10 minutes’ walk to the east from Bamboo Forest.
By JR line, the convenient station for Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) is Enmachi.
All trains depart from Saga-Arashiyama station go and stop the station, Enmachi.
The followings are the details.
1. Take any Trains bound for Kyoto Station

Local and rapid type of trains are available at Saga-Arashiyama station.
The rapid train also stop the Enmachi station, so please take any type of trains bound for Kyoto Station.
Normaly, the trains depart at track No.1 or 2.
Only trains that start from Saga-Arashiyama station depart at track No.4.
So, check the track by an electric noticeboard before riding.
2. Get Off at Enmachi Station, the 3rd Station from Saga-Arashiyama

In 7 minutes by local trains, trains arrive at Enmachi station, the third station from Saga-Arashiyama station.
Please be careful that if you ride rapid train, next stop is Enmachi station, taking just 3 minutes.
3-2 By Bus : From Enmachi Sta. to Ginkakuji-michi Bus Stop
From Enmachi station to Ginkakuji temple, you can take Kyoto City Bus No. 204 and 203 .
(The name of the bus stop you ride is “Nishinokyo-Enmahci”, a little bit different from the name of the JR station, just “Enmachi”.)
You can take either buses, but please be careful that Nishinokyo-Enmachi bus stop for the each bus is separated.
No. 204 and No. 203 run different directions and routes for Ginkakuji temple from Enmachi station.
In about 30 minutes, the buses arrive at the nearst bus stop, Ginkakuji-michi.
The followings are the details including how to transfer.
1. At Enmachi Station, Turn Left after Getting out of the Ticket Gate.

When you get out of the tickete gate at Enmachi station, please turn left and walk to the main street. (named Marutamachi Street)
2. At the main Street, Walk to the Right.

When you come to the main street (Marutamachi Street), walk to the right direction.
3. Keep Walking untill a big Intersection, and Turn Left.

Please keep walking along the Marutamachi Street untill a big intersection, and turn left.
4. Cross the Street, and Head for each Bus Stop

Cross the Marutamachi Street at the intersection.
If you take Bus No.203 , go straight and follow the sidewalk of the road.
If you take Bus No.204 , turn right and cross the crosswalk again.
5. Soon, You Come to Nishinokyo-Enmachi Bus Stop “B” (No.204) or “E” (No.203)

Following the streets to the each direction, soon, you come to the Nishinokyo-Enmachi bus stop “B” or “E”.
Please make sure if Bus Stop B for No.204 or Bus Stop E for No.203 .
This bus No.203 (Bus Stop E) run the same route when you transfer at Kitano-Hakubaicho bus stop from Randen to Bus No.203.
(the picture : No. 204 at Bus Stop B for Ginkakuji)
6. Get off at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop, and Head for near big intersection.

In at least about 30 minutes’ ride, buses arrive at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop.
After getting off, head for the intersection and the sidewalk between the stream and the clock as I explaind in previous section.
If No.204 , the intersection is forward.
If No.203 , the intersection is backward after getting off.
(the picture : No.204 at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop)

This is the intersection and the sidewalk between the stream and clock.
From the intersection to Ginkakuji Temple, please refer to the previous section.