From Arashiyama area to Gion area
1. Overview
How to get to Gion Area (Gion-Shirakawa, Hanamikoji Street, Gion-Corner, Yasaka Jinja Shrine) from Arashiyama area ?
You can go 〈1〉 by Hankyu Railway or 〈2〉 by Bus (Kyoto Bus No.62, 63, 66 and Kyoto City Bus No.11).
The recommended ways to Gion area from Arashiyama area are (1) by Hankyu Railway or (2) by Bus (Kyoto Bus, Kyoto City Bus).
The map below is the overview of the routes, stops, time and fare.
From Arashiyama area to Gion area, firstly please head for station (Hankyu Railway) or bus stops (Kyoto Bus, Kyoto City Bus).
Hankyu Railway Arashiyama station is located in the south of Arashiyama area, but not so far from the center of Arashiyama, such as Togetsukyo Bridge, just 5 minutes’ walk. (or just 3 minutes’ walk from Arashiyama Park, the south river bank near the bridge)
On the other hand, several bus stops for Gion are availale in the Arashiyama area.
Roughly, Kyoto Bus covers the south area and Kyoto City Bus covers the north area of Arahsiyama.
It is O.K. to decide your travel way, considering your last locaiton in Arashiyama.
If the location is near bus stop, buses are usuful.
But, please note that, If by bus, you are likely to need more time depending on traffic & passengers congestion especially on peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves.
If you can take Hankyu train, you can move on schedule even on such peak season.
The fares are almost the same whether by Hankyu Railway (¥240) or by buses (¥230).
Check the location map below, showing time to Hankyu station or the nearest bus stop from main attractions in Arashiyama.
Although, Kyoto City Bus covers the north area of Arahsiyama, please be careful that Kyoto City Bus No.11 does not run the above route on weekends & holidays.
In that case for visitors around north Arashiyama area, head for Saga Setogawacho bus stop, or take Kyoto Bus at Arashiyama bus stop.
Check the location map below, if you travel on weekends or holidays, showing time to the nearest bus stop (or Hankyu station) from main attractions in Arashiyama.
After all, how long does it take, from Arashiyama to Gion ?
I’ll show you the specific examples (from Togetsukyo Bridge to Hanamikoji in Gion), by comparing those 2 routes below.
«Route 1» By Hankyu Railway
It takes in total about 35 to 40 minutes including average wating and walking time (¥240).
From Hankyu Arashiyama station located 5 minutes’ walk from Togetsukyo Bridge, trains are operated almost every 15 minutes and about 20 minutes ride.
(You need to change trains on the way at Hankyu Katusra station for Gion.)
From arrival Kyoto-Kawaramachi Sta. to Hanamikoji in Gion, it takes about 5 minutes’ walk.
This route enables you to move without delay even if on peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves.
«Route 2» By Bus (Kyoto Bus, Kyoto City Bus)
It takes at least 1 hour (¥230).
From Arashiyama bus stop located near Togetsukyo Bridge, buses are operated by both Kyoto Bus and Kyoto City Bus (at least 50 minutes’ ride), and almost every 20 minutes each in the daytime.
From the arrival bus stop (Shijo Keihan-mae) to Hanamikoji, it takes about 4 minutes’ walk.
Please note that the buses are likeiy to take much more time on peak season becouse of heavy traffic jam.
The followings are the details of each travel way.
2. By Hankyu Railway for Gion area

Hankyu Railway Arashiyama station is located to the south of Togetsukyo Bridge, the symbol and the center of Arashiyama area.
It takes 5 minutes’ walk from the Bridge, and 3 minutes’ walk from Arashiyama Park near the bridge.
For Gion area by Hankyu Railway, please change trains on the way at Hankyu Katsura station, and finally get off at Kyoto-Kawaramachi station.
The followings are the details.
1. Take any trains at Arashiyama Station (Hankyu Arashiyama Line).

Firstly, take any trains departing from Hankyu Arashiyama station.
Arashiyama station is the first station of Hankyu Arashiyama line, so it is easy to take.
Trains are operated almost evey 15 minute.
All trains are bound for Katsura, where you need to change trains for Kyoto-Kawaramachi station.
2. Change Trains at Hankyu Katsura Station.

In 8 minutes’ ride, trains arrive at Hankyu Katsura station, the fanal stop of the Hankyu Arashiyama line.
So, it is also easy to change trains.
After getting off the trains, move to next platform (Track No.2 or No.3) by the underpass or another overpass.

Hankyu trains bound for Kyoto-Kawaramachi depart from track No.2 or No.3.
There are many types of trains such as limited express, rapid express, semi express and local, but all trains take you to Kyoto-Kawaramachi. So please ride any early trains.
(The picture : Hankyu Katsura Station Track No.2 and No.3)
3. Get off at Hankyu Kyoto-Kawaramachi Station, and Head for Exit 1 through East Gate.

In about 10 minutes’ ride from Katsura station, trains arrive at Kyoto-Kawaramachi station, the final stop.
So, it is very easy when you get off.
After getting off, please head for East Gate.
(Hankyu Kyoto-Kawaramachi station is located underground like subway.)

After getting out of the East Gate, walk forward direction and head for Exit 1, following the sign and the underground passage.

For Yasaka Jinja shrine, both directions (Exit 1-A, Exit 1-B) are OK.
If you visit Hanamikoji street or Gion corner, Exit 1-B (to the right direction ) is usuful.
If you visit Gion Shirakawa, Exit 1-A (to the left direction) is convenient.

After getting out of the Exit 1 (A or B), head for the direction toward the bridge called Shijo-Ohashi.
Gion area is located beyond the bridge.

After crossing the Shijo-Ohashi Bridge, you finally come to the west side of Gion area.
In the following section 4, I’ ll show you the way to each attraction in Gion area with the location map.
3. By Bus for Gion area
Buses for Gion from Arashiyama area are operated by Kyoto Bus (No. 62 , 63 and 66 ) and Kyoto City Bus (No. 11 ).
Kyoto Bus is colored brown. Kyoto City Bus is colored green.
Kyoto Bus and Kyoto City Bus are different company.
But, you can use Subway & Bus One-day Pass both Kyoto Bus and Kyoto City Bus.
Several Bus Stops are available in Arashiyama area.
Main bus stop is Arashiyama, located near north side of the Togetsukyo Brige, the center & symbol of Arashiyama area, where you can ride all of those buses.
From north area of Arashiyama, Arashiyama Tenryuji-mae bus stop (near Tenryuji Temple), Nonomiya bus stop (near Nonomiya Jinja Shrine, Bamboo Forest), Saga Shogakko-mae, meaning in front of Saga elementary school (not near, but convenient for temples at northwest area such as Nisonin Temple, Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple) are available, operated by only Kyoto City Bus No.11.
But please be careful that Kyoto City Bus No.11 does not run the those 3 bus stops plus Arashiyama bus stop on weekends & holidays.
On weekends & holidays, use Saga Setogawacho bus stop (one stop east from Saga Shogakko-mae) or take Kyoto Bus.
The nearest bus stop for Gion area is Shijo Keihan-mae, meaning in front of Keihan Railway Gion-Shijo staion.
It takes at least 50 minutes from Arashiyama bus stop whichever bus you take.
It depends on the traffic condition.
I’ll show the way from Arashiyama bus stop to Gion in the followings.
1. Find out Arashiyama Bus Stop B.

Arashiyama bus stop is in the north side of Togetsukyo Bridge.
Buses for Gion depart from Arashiyama bus stop B, located NOT river side but in front of souvenier shop building.
(the picture : Arashiyama bus stop B )
Also, please be careful wether the bus stop (direction) is correct when you use other bus stops in Arashiyama area.
2. Take Kyoto Bus No. 62, 63, 66 or Kyoto City Bus No.11

Take Kyoto Bus No. 62 , 63 , 66 .
On weekdays, Kyoto City Bus No. 11 is also available.
It takes at least 50 minutes to the nearest bus stop for Gion area by any routes.
On peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves, it takes much more time.
3. Get off at Shijo Keihan-mae bus stop, and Go backward direction.

The name of the bus stop you get off is Shijo Keihan-mae, meanings “in front of Keihan Railway Gion-Shijo station”.
Both Kyoto Bus and Kyoto City Bus arrive at the same bus stop.
After getting off the bus at Shijo Keihan-mae bus stop, head for the intersection beside the bridge, called Shijo Bridge.
Now, you finally come to the west side of Gion area.
4. Location (access) Map in Gion area from Shijo Bridge
The map below is the access to each attraction in Gion from Shijo-Ohashi Bridge, located near Hankyu Kyoto-Kawaramachi station and Shijo Keihan-mae bus stop.
Almost all attractions are within 10 minutes’ walk.
Please check !
At the end of Shijo street, Yasaka Jinja Shrine is located. (about 8 minutes’ walk from Shijo-Ohashi Bridge)
You can also enjoy shopping along the both side of the Shijo street.
From the Yasaka Shrine, you can also walk to Kiyomizu-dera Temple ! (about 20 minutes)