Where to Buy Subway & Bus One-Day Pass in Kyoto


Note : on October, 2021, the price of  Subway & Bus One -day Pass  was changed into ¥1,100 for an adult, and  Subway & Bus Two-day Pass  was no longer available

1. Where to buy Subway & Bus One-Day Pass at Kyoto Station

At Kyoto station, you can buy  Subway & Bus One-Day Pass  from vending machines or City Bus & Subway Information.

1-1 Vending Machines (basement floor)

If you ride on subway first, it is convenient to get the pass in the basement floor.

The vending machines are located at near each subway ticket gate (B1 level, north, central 1 and south gate), separated from normal ticket machines.

North Gate : beside the gate where station attendant stands

 • Central 1 Gate : the left side of  the normal ticket machines

South Gate : the right side of normal ticket machines

1-2 City Bus & Subway Information Office (basement floor)

The Bus & Subway Information Office is located at near subway central 1 ticket gate (between central 1 and central 2 gate), on the opposite side of the normal ticket machines.

If you arrive at Kyoto station by JR local lines, JR Underground East Exit (B1 level) is convenient to the Information Office.

The office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. every day.

City Bus & Subway Information Office : near Central 1 gate

1-3 Bus Information & Vending Machines (ground floor, near bus terminal)

If you ride on a bus first, you can also buy the  Subway & Bus One-day Pass  from City Bus & Subway Information Office or pass vending machines located in the north side of the bus terminal (Kyoto Tower side, ground floor).

City Bus & Subway Information Office tends to be crowded.

In that case, try those vending machines.
There are many vending machines in the bus terminal. The largest machine is located just in front of the Information Office or near bus stop D1.

(The Subway & Bus One-Day Pass is available for sale on the bus, but we ask that you purchase it in advance to avoid congestion.)
So please get it before riding.

City Bus & Subway Information Office : inside the bus ticket center building

Vending Machines : in front of the Bus Ticket Center

• other Vending Machines : located in the bus terminal

If you want to know the location of vending machines, please refer to the map below.

Refer to the next section, if you are not at Kyoto station.


2. Where to buy Subway & Bus One-Day Pass other than Kyoto Station

If you are not at Kyoto station, where to buy the  Subway & Bus One-Day Pass  are…

a. Any Subway Stations

a.-1 station staff at the gate 

b. Some Subway Stations

b.-1 City Bus & Subway Information Office
Commuter Pass Offices
b.-3 a pass vending machine

c. Certain Hotels & Convenient Stores
d. Discount Ticket Shops.

2-1 At Subway Stations

At subway stations, you can get the passes from a station attendant at ticket gate.

And some stations have City Bus & Subway Information, Commuter Pass Office or a pass vending machine where you can also buy the passes.

The followings are the dtails.

City Bus & Subway Information Office : (open 7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.)

  1. Uzumasa-Tenjingawa station 1st fl., near the EXIT 2

  2. Kitaoji station B3 level , near the south ticket gate

  3. Karasuma-Oike station, near the north ticket gate

Commuter Pass Office : (open 7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., sunday & holiday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

  1. Shijo station B1 level, on a passageway between north and south ticket gates

  2. Sanjo-Keihan station B1 level, near Exit 1

  3. Yamashina station B1 level, get out of ticket gate ant turn right

  4. Takeda station 1st fl., east side, in front of a bus stop (12:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., thursday & sunday: closed)

  5. Nijo station 1st fl., near Exit 2 (12:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., sunday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

Keian Bus Information Office (open 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

  1. Yamashina station 1st fl., in front of the bus terminal

The map below is the location map of the Information and Pass Office.
Please check if necessary.

2-2 Other Places

If you stay hotels, please ask whether the pass sells or not. Some convenience stores sells the pass, too.

If you find out any discount ticket shops near you, you are lucky to get it a little bit cheeper.

Now, you can buy it from a bus driver, but actually, it may be sold out and often cause the delay of bus services, so please get the pass before riding a bus, thank you!!