From Kiyomizu-dera Temple to Ginkakuji (silver pavilion)
1. Overview

How to get to Ginkakuji Temple (Silver Pavilion) from Kiyomizu Temple ?
You can go by Kyoto City Bus Limited Express Bus No.100, also called “Rakuraku-Line”, but, currently only on weekends & holidays, so take bus No.202, 206 or 86 to Gion bus stop, then change to bus No.203 !
The recommended way to Ginkakuji Temple (silver pavilion) from Kiyomizu-dera Temple is “by Kyoto City Bus Limited Express Bus No.100“. This bus is also called “Rakuraku-Line Bus“, meanings going around attractions in Kyoto easily by buses.
Unfortunately, currently this Limited Express Bus No.100 is operated every 30 mimutes only on weekends & holidays, so I will also inform you of alternative way to Ginkakuji from Kiyomizu temple.
The map below is the overview of the bus route, stops, time and fare.
From Kiyomizu Temple, there are 2 nearest bus stops, Gojozaka and Kiyomizu-michi.
Bus No.202 , 206 & 86 depart from Gojozaka bus stop C, or Kiyomizu-michi bus stop B. No matter which bus you take, you can use the same bus stops. On the other hand, Limited Express bus No.100 depart from Gojozaka bus stop C only.
The way to these bus stops from Kiyomizu Temple is refer to the map above.
On the way from Kiyomizu Temple, the downhill street divides in two.
At the place, Gojozaka bus stop is toward the left, and Kiyomizu-michi bus stop is toward the right.
It takes about 10 minutes’ walk to both of the bus stops.

Bus fare is ¥230 per ride. (In case of Limited Express Bus No.100, it is ¥500 per ride. You can use Subway & Bus One-day Pass.)
Please note that the buses are likely to take much more time on peak season becouse of heavy traffic jam.
The followings are the details.
2. By Kyoto City Bus for Ginkakuji Temple
For Ginkakuji temple, firstly, take Bus No.202 , 206 or 86 for Gion. All these buses depart from Gojozaka bus stop C or Kiyomizu-michi bus stop B. (Bus stop “B” or “C” mean that usually there are several same named bus stops, and “B” or “C” is one of them, to identify.) These buses are operated a lot.
Usually, either bus stop is fine, but, on peak season such as cherry blossom or autumn leaves, Gojozaka bus stop is better because buses are likely to be full of passengers when arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop. (If weekends or holidays, you can also take Limited Express bus No.100 at Gojozaka bus stop C.)
Then, transfer to Bus No.203 at Gion bus stop. (If Limited Express No.100 , stay on board, take you to the nearest bus stop for Ginkakuji temple!)
From Kiyomizu temple to Ginkakuji temple, it takes about 55 minutes in total including walking and average waiting time since you have to make a connection. Also, the bus fare will be ¥460. On the other hand, in case of Limited Express bus No.100 , it takes about 30 minutes, and the fare is ¥500. So if you plan to use more buses and subways, Subway & Bus One-day Pass is a good deal.
1. Head for Bus Stops : Gojozaka C or Kiyomizu-michi B, and Take Bus No.202, 206 or 86 (If weekends or holidays, Limited Express Bus No.100 at Gojozaka C)

After getting out of Kiyomizu Temple, walk downhill street in 10 minutes until you come to Higashioji Street.
Gojozaka bus stop C and Kiyomizu-michi bus stop B are located at west side of the Higashioji Street.
(Please refer to the map in the previous section)
Take bus No.202 , 206 or 86 at either bus stop. No.206 have two type (roop or one-way), but both are available. And, bus No.86 are operated by Kyoto City Bus and Kyoto Bus, of coures, any 86 are fine.
(If weekends or holidays, you can take Limited Express bus No.100 at Gojozaka bus stop C!)
2. Change buses at Gion bus stop, and Take Bus No.203 for Ginkakuji Temple

In at least 5 or 6 minutes’ ride, the buses arrive at Gion bus stop.
Chang buses here, the same bus stop, to bus No.203 , operated almost every 12 minutes. (If Limited Express bus No.100 , stay on board!)
…. In case that Bus No.203 cancels on the way…

On the way to Ginkakuji Temple, Bus No.203 may cancel bus service at Kinrin Shako-mae bus stop due to delay.
But, don’ t warry, you can ride next bus or any other bus (No.5, 7, 204) without extra fare.
Kinrin Shako-mae bus stop is 2 stop before bus stop near Ginkakuji temple.
3. Get off at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop

In at least 22 minutes’ ride, the buses arrive at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop. (If Limited Express Bus No.100 , the buses arrive at another Ginkakuji-mae bus stop, closer to Ginkakuji temple. Please refer to the map below!)
After getting off, walk straight to backwatd direction, and head for the big intersection.

At the intersection, cross the crosswalk, and walk on the either sidewalk along a stream.
The map below shows the way.
4. Keep Walking on the path along a stream.

Please keep walking on the path along the stream.
In 5 minutes, you come to the small bridge where Philosopher’s Walk starts.
5. Cross the Bridge, and Follow the Street.

Then, cross the bridge, and go up the slightly uphill street in front of you.
From that bridge, the path along the stream is called “Philosopher’s Walk” or “the Path of Philosophy”. (“Tetsugaku-no-michi” in Japanese)
You can also visit Eikando Temple or Nanzenji Temple through the walk after visiting Ginkakuji Temple (1,2 mile, 2 km, about 25 minutes’ walk).

Keep walking the uphill street.
6. Finally, the Gate of Ginkakuji Temple !

In 3 minutes from the small bridge where the Philosopher’s Walk starts, you finally come to the gate of Ginkakuji Temple.