From Ginkakuji to Kinkakuji (silver pavilion to golden pavilion)
2. By Bus for Kinkauji Temple
2-1 By Kyoto City Bus No.204 (& No.102 on weekends & holidays)
1. Overview

How to get to Kinkakuji Temple (golden pavilion) from Ginkakuji Temple (silver pavilion) ?
Well, you can go by Kyoto City Bus No. 204 .
Only on Weekenda & Holidays, bus No.102 is also available.
The recommended way to Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) from Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) is “by Bus”.
There is no trains available between them.
The map below is the overview of the bus stops, routes, time and fare.
Please take Bus No. 204 for Kinkakuji temple, operated at least every 15 minutes. Only on weekends & holidays, bus No. 102 (Rakuraku-Line) is also available, operated every 30 minutes during the daytime.
Bus No.204 is operated in both directions in a loop, and the each direction takes almost the same time. So you can ride either direction.
Bus fare is ¥230 for any route.
Please wait for the buses at Ginkakuji-michi bus stop.
And, be careful that Bus No. 204 for Kinkakuji departs from Ginkakuji-michi bus stop A or B. Bus No.102 departs from bus stop C.
The followings are the detail.
2. By Bus for Kinkakuji Temple
2-1 By Kyoto City Bus No.204 (& No.102 on weekends & holidays)

Bus No.204 , operated both direction in a loop, departs from Ginkakuji-michi bus stop A and B. And, bus No.102 departs from bus stop C.
The Bus Stop A is located on your left side before crossing the road (called Shirakawa street), when you come to from Ginkakuji temple.
The Bus Stop B is also located on your left side, but after crossing the Shirakawa street.
The Bus Stop C is located on the left side of the road, after crossing the intersection and going straight ahead.
The bus No.204 is operated at least every 15 minutes in both direction.
The buses at Bus Stop A, take at least 39 minutes, via subway Marutamachi station.
The buses at Bus Stop B, take at least 37 minutes, via subway Kitaoji station.
Some delayed buses stop running at Kitaoji station to adjust operation schdule.
But, don’t worry, you can ride next bus (or other buses for Kinkakuji such as No.205 ) without extra fare.
The bus No.102 , departs from Bus Stop C, is operated every 30 minutes during the daytime (about 9:50 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.) only on weekends & holidays.
Please get off at Kinkakuji-michi bus stop.
The map below is bus No.204 and No.102 route, please check if necessary.
3. The Way to Kinkakuji Temple after Getting Off
The location of the Kinkakuji-michi bus stop will be different depend on your buses.
But, whichever you take, please walk to backward direction after getting off, and find out the street lined with trees.
In 2 minutes’ walk on the tree-lined street, you come to the gate of Kinkakuji Temple.
The followings show the way to Kinkakuji temple from the bus stop.
1. After Getting off, Head for the Backward Direction.

The bus stop you get off will be different depend on bus routes.
After getting off your bus, please walk to the backward direction, and head for the street lined with trees.
(Kinkakuji-michi bus stop B : Bus No.204 via Kitaoji station)

(Kinkakuji-michi bus stop C : Bus No.204 & No.102 arrive)
2. Walk on the Street lined with Trees.

Please walk along the tree-lined street.
3. Finally, the Gate of Kinkakuji Temple !

In 2 minutes’ walk, you come to the gate of Kinkakuji Temple.