From Nijo Castle to Kinkakuji (golden pavilion)
1. Overview

How to get to Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) from Nijo Castle ?
Usually, you can go “by Kyoto City Bus No. 12“.
The recommended way to Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) from Nijo Castle is “by Bus”.
There is no train services available between them.
The map below is the overview of the bus stops, routes, time and fare.
From Nijo Castle to Kinkakuji Temple, Kyoto City Bus No. 12 is available.
No.12 is operated almost every 15 minutes.
Bus fare is ¥230. Of course you can use Subway & Bus One-Day Pass. (Unfortunately, Bus One-Day Pass was discontinued at the end of September 2023.)
Please wait for the buses at Nijojo-mae bus stop B, located on the castle side of the road.
And, get off at Kinkakuji-michi bus stop (“michi” means “lead to”).
(Please note that No.12 used to stop at Kinkakuji-mae, much nearer bus stop, but now the route is changed from the date of Mar. 20th, 2020)
The followings are the detail.
2. By Bus for Kinkakuji Temple
1. Head for Nijojo-mae Bus Stop B.

After getting out of Nijo Castle, please walk to the left direction.
Passing in front of the ticket office, you can see the bus stop ahead.
This is the Nijojo-mae bus stop B, where buses for Kinkakuji Temple arrive.
(located on the castle side of the road, named Horikawa Street)
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.12 at the Bus Stop B

Please take bus No. 12 .
In 21 minutes, the bus arrives at the bus stop near kinkakuji Temple.
(Picture : Nijojo-mae bus stop B & Kyoto City Bus No.12 arriving)
The map show the location of bus stops near Kinakuji Temple, and the way to the temple.
Bus No.12 arrives at Kinkakuji-michi bus stop A, a little away from the temple, but don’t worry, just 4 minutes’ walk!
After getting off the bus, please proceed forward, and head for the street lined with trees.
You can see the entrance of the temple at the end of the street in just a few minutes.

This is the street lined with trees you walk through after getting off at Kinkakuji-michi bus stop.
4. Soon, you come to the entrance from each bus stop.

This is the entrance of Kinkakuji Temple.
A lot of visitors are walking toward, so you can’t miss it !