From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Kiyomizu-dera Temple
1. Overview

How to get to Kiyomizu Temple from Fushimi Inari Shrine ?
You can go by Keihan Railway + Walk (via Kiyomizu-gojo Sta.).
The recommended way to Kiyomizu Temple from Fushimi Inari Shrine is by Keihan Railway + Walk.
There is no direct bus service available between Fushimi Inari Shrine and Kiyomizu-dera temple.
The map below is the overview of the route, time and fare.
After all, how long does it take from Fushimi Inari Shrine to Kiyomizu Temple ?
I’ll show you the example of travel time, including average walking and waiting time.
« Recommended Route » Keihan Railway + Walk via Kiyomizu-Gojo Sta.
It takes in total about 38 minutes (¥220).
From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Keihan Fushimi Inari station, it takes about 5 minutes’ walk.
Keihan trains are operated every 10 minute, and just 6 minutes’ ride.
From the arrival Keihan Kiyomizu-Gojo station to Kiyomizu Temple, it takes about 20 minutes’ walk.
Although you need walk a little long distance (1.4 km / 0.87 ml) from Kiyomizu-gojo station, this route enables you to move without delay even if on peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves.
(Actually you can also move by JR + Kyoto City Bus via Kyoto station, but you also need walk when transfer from JR to Kyoto City Bus due to huge Kyoto station.)
The followings are the details of recommended way.
2. The way to Keihan Station from Fushimi Inari Shrine
From Fushimi Inari Shrine to Kiyomizu Temple, firstly please head for Fushimi Inari station (Keihan Railway).
From the main shrine (hall), it takes about 5 minutes’ walk to Fushimi Inari station.
Check the following map and pictures, showing the way to the Keihan station from Fushimi Inari Shrine.

From the main shrine, please walk to diagonally right direction, and go through the Torii-gate on your right.

After going through other Torii-gate, cross JR crossing.

In about 5 minutes’ walk from the main shrine, you come to Keihan Railway Fushimi Inari station.
Trains for Kiyomizu-gojo depart from track No.1, so please go across the railway crossing and enter the ticket gate.
3. By Keihan Railway + Walk for Kiyomizu Temple

Although you need about 20 minutes’ walk to Kiyomizu Temple from the nearest Keihan station, Kiyomizu-Gojo, you can move from Fushimi Inari Shrine without delay, avoiding congestion even on peak season.
The followings are the details.
1. Take trains at Fushimi Inari Station, Track No.1

At Fushimi Inari station, local, sub-express and express trains are available.
All types of the trains departing from track No. 1 take you to Kiyomizu-Gojo station.
In the daytime, sub-express trains are mainly operated.
(The Picture : Train at Fushimi Inari station Track No.1)
2. Get off at Kiyomizu-Gojo Station, and Head for Exit 4.

In 6 minutes’ ride by local or sub-express, trains arrive at Kiyomizu-Gojo station.
The ticket gate is located at only one place.
After getting out of the ticket gate, please head for Exit 4.
3. From the Exit, Walk Straight along Gojo street until Gojozaka Intersection.

After getting out of Kiyomizu-Gojo station Exit 4, keep walking straight until Gojozaka intersection.
(the picture : Keihan Railway Kiyomizu-Gojo station Exit 4)

In about 10 minutes’ walk along the Gojo street, you come to the Gojozaka intersection.
(the picture : sidewalk along the Gojo Street)
4. At the Gojozaka Intersection, Go up the hill ahead.

When you come to the Gojozaka intersection, cross the crosswalk and go up the hill ahead.

At the end of the uphill street, turn diagonally right.
Then, you will see a lot of souvenir shops on your both sides.

In about 10 minutes walk from Gojozaka intersection, finally the gate of Kiyomizu-dera Temple !
It takes more time if the uphill street is full of visitors.