From Ginkakuji (silver pavilion) to Kiyomizu Temple
1. Overview

How to get to Kiyomizu-dera Temple from Ginkakuji Temple ?
Only on weekends or holidays, you can take Limited Express Bus No.100.
Otherwise, you can firstly take Bus No.203, and change at Chioninmae bus stop to No.202, 206 or 86 for Kiyomizu temple.
Currently, only the daytime on weekends & holidays, Limited Express bus No.100 take you directly to Kiyomizu Temple from Ginkakuji Temple. At all other times, you need to transfer. The recommended way to Kiyomizu Temple is by Kyoto City Bus No203, and transfer to No.206, 202 or 86.
The map below is the overview of the routes, stops, time and fare.
From Ginkakuji Temple, there are 2 near bus stops, Ginkakuji-mae (meanings “in front of”) and Ginkakuji-michi (meanings “lead to”).
If weekends or holidays, take Limited Express bus No.100 at Ginkakuji-mae bus stop for Kiyomizu temple. In any other cases, please head for Ginkakuji-michi bus stop, and take bus No.203 to Gion (Chionin-mae bus stop recommended) to transfer for Kiyomizu temple.
Bus fare is ¥230 per ride. If Limited Express bus No.100 , it is ¥500 per ride. Of course Subway & Bus One-day Pass are available for any routes.
Actually, how long does it take from Ginkakuji Temple to Kiyomizu Temple after all ?
« Examples »
♦ By Bus No.203 + No.202, 206 or No.86
It takes at least 58 minutes including walking & wating time (¥460).
Firstly, you need 8 minutes’ walk to Ginkakuji-michi bus stop.
Bus No.203 is operated almost every 12 minutes.
About in 20 minutes’ ride, change bus at Chionin-mae bus stop to No.202 , 206 or 86 .
From the arrival Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, it takes about 10 minutes’ walk to Kiyomizu-dera Temple.
(If you take more buses or subways, Subway & Bus One-day Pass is useful.)
♦ By Bus No.203 + Walk from Gion
Another option is to take bus No.203 to Gion bus stop (next to Chionin-mae bus stop),
and walk to Kiyomizu temple from there (20 minutes’ walk).
The fare is ¥230, the entire trip from temple to temple takes at least 56 minutes.
♦ By Limited Express Bus No.100
Only the daytime on weekdays & holidays, Limited Express bus No.100 take you directly to Kiyomizu-michi bus stop from closer Ginkakuji-mae bus stop (just 15 min’ ride! ¥500). The entire trip from temple to temple takes 35 min to 55 min, depending on the bus schedule. Actually, this bus services are operated every 15 minutes from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and every 30 minutes after 1:30 p.m.. So you may wait for the bus in the afternoon, please check the timetable beforehand.
Please note that buses are likeiy to take more time on peak season because of traffic jam and a lot of passengers.
From Ginkakuji Temple to Kiyomizu Temple, if weekends or holidays, firstly please head for Ginkakuji-mae bus stop to take Limited Express bus No.100 . At all other times, please head for Ginkakuji-michi bus stop as the map below shows.
The following sections are the details of the routes.
2. By Limited Express Bus No.100 or By Kyoto City Bus No.203 + No.202, 206 or 86
From Ginkakuji Temple to Kiyomizu-dera Temple, if weekends or holidays, please take Limited Express bus No.100 from Ginkakuji-mae bus stop, and just get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop. It is very easy and fast!
In other cases, please take Bus No.203 from Ginkakuji-michi bus stop, and change buses on the way. (Chionin-mae bus stop is recommended because you don’t need to search for the bus stop to transfer buses, right the same bus stop) By Changing buses, it takes in total at least about 55 minutes including average waiting and walking time from Ginkakuji to Kiyomizu-dera.
The bus No.203 is operated almost every 10 to 12 minutes.
The followings are the detalis.
1. «Weekends & Holidays» Head for Ginkakuji-mae Bus Stop, and Take Limited Express Bus No.100

If weekends or holidays, walk downhill street in 5 minutes from Ginkakuji temple. Right after crossing a small bridge, you can see Ginkakuji-mae bus stop located on your left side ahead. This is the bus stop where Limited Express bus No.100 depart. This bus take you to Kiyomizu temple diredtly! Next thing you do is that you just get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop!
1-1. «Weekdays» Head for Ginkakuji-michi Bus Stop, and Take Kyoto City Bus No.203

If weekdays, please pass the Ginkakuji-mae bus stop and keep going straight until the big intersection.
At the intersection, turn left, soon you come to Ginkakuji-michi bus stop A. It takes another 3 minutes.
(Please refer to the map in the previous section)
Please take bus No.203 .
2. Change buses at Chionin-mae Bus Stop (Transfer to Kyoto City Bus No.202, 206 and 86), or get off at Gion Bus Stop and Walk

In about 20 minutes’ ride, buses arrive at Chionin-mae bus stop.
Change buses here (right the same bus stop) to bus No.202 , 206 or 86 . (Although exceptional, bus No.86 are operated by Kyoto City Bus and Kyoto Bus in turn! Of course you can take any bus No.86 )
If you don’t mind walking over 20 minutes, please get off the bus No.203 at Gion bus stop, right next to Chionin-mae bus stop.
2-1. Gion Bus Stop to Yasaka Jinja Shrine (in case of walking from Gion)

After getting off at Gion bus stop, please head for Yasaka Jinja Shrine located behind you. Then, turn right, and keep walking along the street in front of Yasaka Jinja Shrine until Kiyomizu-michi bus stop. Of course, there are many ways to get Kiyomizu temple, so you can see the three-story pagoda on the way, or do whatever you want!
3. Get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, and Turn left at the intersection ahead

In at least 8 minutes’ ride after changing, buses arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop.
( Limited Express bus No.100 also arrive at this bus stop!)
After getting off, walk forward direction, and turn left at the Kiyomizu-michi intersection ahead.
(The access map available below)

Keep walking along the uphill street.
On the way, you will see a lot of souvenir shops on your both side.
4. Finally, the Gate of Kiyomizu Temple !

In about 10 minutes’ walk from Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, you come to Kiyomizu Temple !
But please note that it takes much more time if the uphill to the temple is full of visitors.
So please give yourself enough time to visit.