Trains in Kyoto : Keifuku Railway (Randen)
2. How to use Keifuku Railway (Randen) for Sightseeing in Kyoto
2-1 Randen Route Map & Attractions
2-2 Visiting Arashiyama by Randen
2-3 Other Attractions near Randen Route
2-4 Remote Attractions visited by Randen plus Bus & Subway
1. Route Map & Transfer

Keifuku Railway, its nickname is Randen, runs only in Kyoto city.
It connects Arashiyama and Shijo-omiya station (near downtown area) or Kitano-hakubaicho station (in the northwest side of kyoto, the picture above, renewed on March, 2020).
The map below is the route of Keifuku railway (Randen).
«Transfer information»
You can transfar :
• Kyoto City Subway Tozai line :
at Randen-Tenjingawa station (Subway Uzumasa-Tenjingawa sta.)
◊ By using Randen & Subway, it is very convenient to visit Arashiyama from various places in Kyoto.
• Hankyu Railway :
at Shijo-Omiya station (Hankyu Omiya sta.), Sai station (Hankyu Saiin sta.) or Arashiyama station
• Kyoto City Bus :
at Kitano-hakubaicho station
◊ Many bus services bound for Kinkakuji (golden pavilion) or Ginkakuji (silver pavilion) are available.
• JR line :
at Arashiyama station or Randen-Saga station (JR Saga-Arashiyama sta.)
• Sagano Romantic Train :
at Randen-saga station (nearer than Arashiyama station)
◊ About 5 min walk to Torokko∗ Saga station. ∗Torokko means trolley type train in Japanese.
When transfar at Arashiyama, each Hankyu, JR and Randen station is separated, so you need walk.
«Pass information»
You can use any IC cards, Kansai One Pass and Kansai Thru Pass for Keifuku railway.
Although you can not use JR pass or Subway & Bus One-Day Pass, Randen & Subway One-Day Pass are available for ¥1300. (only for Randen and Subway, Not available for any buses!)
2. How to use Keifuku Railway (Randen) for Sightseeing in Kyoto
2-1 Randen Route Map & Attractions
The map below shows the way to some famous spots from Keifuku railway (Randen) route.
Please check !
2-2 Visiting Arashiyama by Randen

By Keifuku railway (Randen), it is convenient for visitors to visit Arashiyama from varous places in Kyoto without a traffic jam.
If you can take Kyoto City Subway, Randen-tenjingawa station is convenient to transfer.
(get off at Uzumasa-tenjingawa station on subway Tozai line.)
And if you can use Kyoto City Bus, Shijo-Omiya or Kitano-hakubaicho station is a lot of bus services available and easy to transfer.
If you ride from Kitano-hakubaicho or stations on Kitano line, you need to change trains at Katabiranotsuji station for Arashiyama.
«Fares & Time»
Wherever you ride, the fare is ¥250 for an adult per ride.
It takes 13 min from Randen-tenjingawa station, 20 min from Kitanohakubaicho station, 24 min from Shijo-Omiya station.