From Nijo Castle to Kiyomizu-dera Temple
1. Overview

How to get to Kiyomizu Temple from Nijo Castle ?
You can go 〈1〉 by Walk + Bus No.202 〈2〉 by Subway + Bus No.206, 202
or, especially on peak season, 〈3〉 by Subway + Keihan Railway + Walk.
The recommended ways to Kiyomizu Temple from Nijo Castle are (1) by Walk + Bus, (2) by Subway + Bus, or on peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves, (3) by Subway + Keihan Railway + Walk.
There are no direct train or bus services available between them.
The map below is the overview of the routes, stops, time and fare.
Although the nearest bus stop from Nijo Castle is Nijojo-mae, there is no direct bus service available to Kiyomizu Temple.
But, if you just walk to the next bus stop (one stop north), Horikawa-Marutamachi, Kyoto City Bus No.202 take you to Kiyomizu Temple directly.
(Of course, if you are Subway & Bus One-day Pass holder, you can go to the next stop by bus from Nijojo-mae, too.)
On the other hand, the nearest station is also nemed Nijojo-mae, operated by Kyoto City Subway (Tozai line), which is very convenient.
By taking this subway, you can transfer for Kyoto City Bus ( No.206 and No.202 ) at Higashiyama station or for Keihan Railway trains at Sanjo-Keihan station for Kiyomizu Temple.
Bus fare is ¥230 and Subway fare is ¥220 for the sections per ride.
(Unfortunately, discounts for transfer using IC Cards have been discontinued since April 2023)
These 3 routes have pros and cons.
So, please choose your way, comparing specific examples of times and fares below.
« Examples »
Actually, how long & how much does it take from Nijo Castle to Kiyomizu Temple after all ?
By only bus , it takes at least 50 minutes including walking & wating time (¥230).
Firstly, you need 8 minutes’ walk to Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop.
Bus No.202 are operated almost every 15 minutes. (Note : not so many bus services)
From the arrival Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, it takes about 10 minutes’ walk.
By Subway & Bus , it takes in total about 40 minutes including walking & transfer time. (¥450).
Subway Nijojo-mae station is beside the castle (2 minutes’ walk).
Please transfer for Kyoto City Bus at subway Higashiyama station, (3 miutes to Higashiyama-Sanjo bus stop).
Subway trains and Buses (No.206 and 202) are operated a lot.
From the arrival Kiyomizu-michi bus stop to Kiyomizu Temple, it takes about 10 minutes’ walk.
If you have Subway & Bus One-day Pass, this route is recommened.
Please note that those buses are likeiy to take much more time on peak season because of heavy traffic jam.
So, on peak season such as cherry blossom and autumn leaves, the route by Subway & Keihan Railway & Walk is recommended. It takes in total about 43 to 48 minutes including walking & transfer time (¥390).
Subway trains are operated a lot, and Keihan trains are operated every 10 minutes.
Please transfer at subway Sanjo-Keihan station for Keihan Railway Sanjo station (2 miutes).
From the arrival Keihan Kiyomizu-Gojo station to the temple, it takes about 20 minutes’ walk.
Although you need more walk than other routes, you can move on time even on peak season.
The map below shows the ways to the station or bus stop from Nijo Castle for Kiyomizu Temple.
♦ Subway Nijojo-mae station is just beside the castle (2 minutes’ walk).
♦ Kyoto City Bus Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop is a bit away from the castle (8 minutes’ walk).
2. By Walk + Bus No.202 for Kiyomizu Temple

From Nijo Castle to Kiyomizu Temple by the route of bus No.202 , it takes at least 50 minutes including walking and average waiting time.
Bus No.202 for Kiyomizu Temple departs from Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop C.
This bus doesn’t come to the nearest bus stop (Nijojo-mae), so you need about 8 minutes’ walk to Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop from Nijo Castle.
Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop is located about o.37 ml / 0.6 km north from the gate of Nijo Castle. (please refer to the location map above)
The followings are the details.
1. The Way to Horikawa-Marutamachi Bus Stop from Nijo Castle

After getting out of the gate of Nijo Castle, walk straight to the left direction on the Horikawa Street along the Castle.

This is the sidewalk along the stone wall of Nijo Castle.

After passing the Castle, go across the first big intersection, and keep walking straight along the Horikawa street.

In 2 minutes from the first intersction, you come to next big intersection, named Horikawa-Marutamachi, meaning Horikawa St. and Marutamachi St. cross.
Please cross the crosswalk, and turn left, then you can see the Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop C ahead.
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.202

At Horikawa-Marutamachi bus stop C, take Kyoto City Bus No.202 .
Buses are operated almost every 15 minutes in the daytime.
3. Get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, and Turn left at the intersection ahead

In at least 24 minutes’ ride, buses arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop.
After getting off, walk forward direction, and turn left at the Kiyomizu-michi intersection ahead.
(The access map available below)

Keep walking along the uphill street.
On the way, you will see a lot of souvenir shops on your both side.
4. Finally, the Gate of Kiyomizu Temple !

In about 10 minutes’ walk from Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, you come to Kiyomizu Temple !
But please note that it takes much more time if the uphill to the temple is full of visitors.
So please give yourself enough time to visit.
3. By Kyoto City Subway + Buses for Kiyomizu Temple
Kyoto City Subway Nijojo-mae station is located just beside the Nijo Castle.
When you get out of the main gate of the castle, please turn right and cross the crosswalk, then subway station entrance (Exit 1) is on your right. It takes 2 minute from the main gate. (please refer to the map in the previous section)
For Kiyomizu Temple, you need to transfer at Subway Higashiyama station for Kyoto City Bus (No.206, 202).
The followings are the details.
1. Take any Subway Trains at Track No.2.

For Kiyomizu Temple, take any subway trains at track No.2 bound for Rokujizo or Biwako Hama-Otsu station.
The trains are operated a lot, more than 10 times per hour.
2. Get off at Subway Higashiyama Station, and Transfer.

In about 7 minutes, trains arrive at Higashiyama station, the 4th stop from Nijojo-mae station.
After getting out of the ticket gate, turn left, and head for Exit 2.

After getting out of subway Higashiyama station Exit 2, turn left and head for the intersection ahead, named Higashiyama-Sanjo.

At the intersection, turn left again, before crosswalk.

After turning left, then you can see Higashiyama-Sanjo bus stop C ahead.
(The picture: Bus No.100 (used to be called Raku Bus), now is operated as Limited Express, and doesn’t stop here.)
3. Take Kyoto City Bus No.206 or 202 at Higashiyama-Sanjo bus stop C.

From the Higashiyama-Sanjo bus stop C, take bus No. 206 or 202 .
(Although bus No.206 are 2 types, normal loop type (the picture) and one-way type bound for Kyoto Station, you can take both types)
These buses are operated a lot in total.
4. Get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop

In at least 8 minutes’ ride, the buses arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop.
After getting off, walk to forward direction.
The way from Kiyomizu-michi bus stop to Kiyomizu Temple is the same as explained in the previous section.
4. By Subway + Keihan Railway + Walk for Kiyomizu Temple

This route is recommended if you visit Kyoto on peak season such as cherry blossom or autumn leaves.
The way from Nijo Castle to taking Subway Tozai line is the same as explained in previous section.
So, I’ll show you on the way (before arriving at subway Sanjo-Keihan Station).
1. Get off at Subway Sanjo-Keihan Station, and Transfer.

In about 5 or 6 minutes, trains arrive at Sanjo-Keihan station. (one stop before Higashiyama station, where you get off if you transfer for buses, explained in previous section.)
After getting out of the ticket gate, turn right, and head for Keihan Railway Sanjo Station ticket gate.

Keep walking on the underground passage (2 minutes’ walk).

Soon, you come to Keihan Railway Sanjo station Central Ticket Gate on your diagonally left.
2. Take local, sub-express or express trains at Track 3 or 4.

Please make sure of the correct platform and train type by notice board.
Trains for Kiyomizu Temple depart from track No.3 or 4, bound for Osaka, Yodoyabashi or Nakanoshima.
Only local, sub-express and express trains stop at Kiyomizu-Gojo station for Kiyomizu Temple.
Mainly sub-express trains are operated in the daytime.
3. Get off at Kiyomizu-Gojo Station, and Head for Exit 4.

In 3 minutes, trains arrive at Kiyomizu-Gojo station.
The ticket gate is only one place.
After getting out of the ticket gate, please head for Exit 4.
4. From the Exit, Walk Straight along Gojo street until Gojozaka Intersection.

After getting out of Kiyomizu-Gojo station Exit 4, keep walking straight until Gojozaka intersection.
(the picture : Keihan Railway Kiyomizu-Gojo station Exit 4)

In about 10 minutes’ walk along the Gojo street, you come to the Gojozaka intersection.
(the picture : sidewalk along the Gojo Street)
5. At the Gojozaka Intersection, Go up the hill ahead.

When you come to the Gojozaka intersection, cross the crosswalk and go up the hill ahead.

At the end of the uphill street, turn diagonally right.
Then, you will see a lot of souvenir shops on your both sides.

In about 10 minutes walk from Gojozaka intersection, finally the gate of Kiyomizu-dera Temple !
It takes more time if the uphill street is full of visitors.