Trains in Kyoto : Keihan Railway
2. How to use Keihan Railway for Sightseeing in Kyoto
2-1 Keihan Railway Route Map & Attractions
2-2 Moving between Downtown area and Fushimi-Inari shrine
2-3 Other Attractions near Keihan Railway Route
2-4 Remote Attractions visited by Keihan Railway plus Buses & Other Trains
1. Route Map & Transfer

The map below is the route of Keihan railway in Kyoto.
Keihan railway connects Osaka, Uji city (to the south of Kyoto city), Lake Biwa∗ (to the east of Kyoto city) and Demachiyanagi in the northeast side of Kyoto city through downtown area.
By using Keihan railway in Kyoto, it is convenient to move between Fushimi-Inari shrine and downtown area.
Keihan railway connects Eizan railway, so it is also convenient to go to Kurama, Kibune area. (upper north area in Kyoto city)
∗For lake Biwa, the operation between Sanjo (or Sanjo-keihan) station and Misasagi station is not Keihan railway but Kyoto City Subway Tozai line. But, a direct train service available from Kyoto city.
«Transfer Information»
You can transfar …
• Kyoto City Subway Tozai line :
at Sanjo station,
at Rokujizo station (Keihan Uji line)
• Hankyu railway (Kyoto-Kawaramachi station) :
at Gion-Shijo station
• JR Nara line :
at Tofukuji station
• Kintetsu railway :
at Tanbabashi station.
«Pass Information»
You can use any IC cards, Kansai One Pass and Kansai Thru Pass for Keihan railway.
But you can not use JR pass or Subway & Bus One-Day Pass.
2. How to use Keihan Railway for sightseeing in Kyoto
2-1 Keihan Railway Route Map & Attractions
The map below shows the way to some famous spots from Keihan railway route.
Please check !
2-2 Moving between Downtown area and Fushimiinari Shrine

By using Keihan railway in kyoto, it is convenient for visitors to move between Shijo-Kawaramachi (downtown area) and Fushimi-inari shrine without a traffic jam.
“Shijo-Kawaramachi” means the place where Shijo street and Kawaramachi street cross.
It is the center of downtown in Kyoto.
Gion-Shijo station on the Keihan line is the nearest to Shijo-Kawaramachi, just a few minutes walk.
«How to get to Fushimi-inari shrine from Shijo-Kawaramachi»
From Shijo-Kawaramachi, walk to the east and cross Kamo river.
Next to the Kamo river, you can see the Gion-shijo station entrance.
Its platform is underground like subway.
It takes about 10 minutes to Fushimi-Inari station by local or sub-express train.
The fare is ¥220 for an adult.
Please be careful that Limited Express does not stop at Fushimi-Inari station.
2-3 Other Attractions near Keihan Railway Route

»»From Demachiyanagi station to
• Shimogamo shrine (the picture above) : 10 min walk
»»From Jingu-marutamachi station to
• Heianjingu shrine : 15 min walk
»»From Gion-shijo station to
• Gion : 7 min walk or 2 min by bus
»»From Kiyomizu-gojo station to
• Kiyomizu temple : 25 min walk to the main gate of the temple
(12 min waik to Gojozaka, the bottom of the temple)
»»From Shichijo station to
• Sanjusangendo temple : 5 min walk
»»From Tofukuji station to
• Tofukuji temple : 10 min walk
2-4 Remote Attractions Visited by Keihan Railway plus Buses & Other Trains