Trains in Kyoto : Kintetsu railway
2. How to use Kintetsu Railway for Sightseeing in Kyoto
2-1 Kintetsu Railway Route Map & Attractions
2-2 Visiting Toji Temple by Kintetsu Railway
2-3 Other Attractions visited after Toji Tmple
2-4 Visiting Kiyomizu & Kinkakuji Temple only by Bus
1. Route Map & Transfer

Kintetsu Railway connects Kyoto station with Nara city, Mt.Yoshino, Ise jingu shrine, Nagoya and Osaka.
Kintetsu line runs in the south of Kyoto city where the number of attractions is small.
So you may not have many chances to use Kintetsu line for sightseeing in Kyoto.
But it is convenient for visitors to go to Nara, Mt. Yoshino or Ise jingu shrine after sightseeing in Kyoto.
The map below is the route of Kintetsu Railway in Kyoto.
«Transfer Information»
You can transfer…
• at Takeda station : Kyoto City Subway
• at Tanbabashi station : Keihan Railway
Both Subway and Keihan railway operates to the north area in Kyoto.
So, it is very convenient when you move between Nara and Kyoto City Center by using those trains with Kintetsu railway.
Some of Kintetsu trains run through Subway Karasuma line directly.
You can also transfar…
• at Kyoto station : JR line, Shinkansen (bullet train) and Kyoto City Subway (Karasuma line)
If you transfar to Subway Karasuma line, Takeda station is better.
Because you have to walk a distance to transfar at Kyoto satation.
«Pass Information»
You can use any IC cards, Kansai One Pass and Kansai Thru Pass for Kintetsu railway.
But you can not use JR pass or Subway & Bus One-Day Pass.
2. How to use Kintetsu railway for sightseeing
2-1 Kintetsu Railway Route Map & Attractions
The map below shows the way to some famous spots from Kintetsu railway route.
In fact, there are few spots you can visit only by Kintetsu railway in Kyoto city except for Toji temple.
2-2 Visiting Toji Temple by Kintetsu Railway

«From Kyoto station to Toji temple»
2 minutes ride on a Kintetsu railway train, get off at Toji station, and 7 min walk to the south gate of the temple.
The train fare is ¥180 for an adult.
If you do not mind walking, you can walk to the Toji temple, east gate of the temple in 15 minutes from Kyoto station.
2-3 Other Atractions visited after Toji Temple
After visiting Toji temple…
you can go to other famous spots, such as Nijo castle, Fushimiinari shrine, Arashiyama, Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion), and Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) by using Kintetsu railway plus other trains or buses.
By using trains, you can quickly move between Toji temple and some remote attractions without a traffic jam.
The followings shows how long it takes to reach next attractions from Toji temple by way of Kintetsu railway, which bus or train you should ride, and which bus stop you should get off.
»»From Toji temple to
• Nijo castle : at least 35 min in total
1. Take Kintetsu express or local train to Takeda station∗ (5 min)
2. Then transfer to Subway Karasuma line, and ride to Karasuma-Oike station (12 min)
3. Change to Subway Tozai line, and get off at Nijojo-mae station (2 min)
4. 1 minute walk from exit No.1.
(∗ you can also taransfar to subway at Kyoto satation, but you need to walk a distane to transfar.)
• Fushimi Inari shrine : at least 25 min in total
1. Take Kintetsu train to Kyoto station (2 min)
2. Then transfar to JR Nara line, and ride to Inari station (5 min)
3. A few minutes walk to the shrine.
• Arashiyama : at least 50 min in total
1. Take Kintetsu train to Kyoto station (2 min)
2. Transfar to JR Sagano line, and get off at Saga-Arashiyama station (16 min)
3. 15 min walk to Togetsu bridge, the center of Arashiyama area.
• Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) : at least 55 – 60 min in total
1. Take Kintetsu train to Kyoto station (2 min)
2. Transfar to Kyoto City Bus No 101, or 205 at the bus stop (B-2 or B-3) in the north (Kyoto Tower) side.
3. Get off at Kinkakujimichi bus stop (37 – 43 min), plus 4 min walk to the temple.
• Ginkakuji temple (silver pavilion) : at least 1 hour in total
1. Take Kintetsu train to Kyoto station (2 min)
2. Transfar to Kyoto City Bus No. 17 or 5 at the bus stop (A-1, A-2) in the north side of Kyoto station.
3. Get off at Ginkakujimichi bus stop (37-43 min), plus 5 min walk to the temple.
2-4 Visiting Kiyomizu Tmple & Kinkakuji Tmple only by Bus
From Toji temple to Kiyomizu temple, a bus is better.
You can also go to Kinkakuji temple only by bus, but you need to change buses on the way.
The followings are the details.
«Toji temple to Kiyomizu temple by bus»

♦ Kiyomizu temple : at least 35 min in total
There ara 2 ways to go to.
From East gate of the Toji temple, bus N0.207 is convenient. ⇒ 1.
From South gate, bus No.202 is convenient for Kiyomizu temple. ⇒ 2.
1. Toji-higashimon-mae bus stop ⇒ Kyoto City Bus No.207 (20 min) ⇒ Gojozaka bus stop
Get out of the EAST gate of the Toji temple, cross Omiya street.
There is the bus stop “B” on your right, 20 min ride on the bus No.207.
Get off at Gojozaka bus stop, plus 13 min walk to Kiyomizu temple.
2. Toji-minamimon-mae or Kujo-omiya bus stop ⇒ Kyoto City Bus No.202 (20 min) ⇒ Gojozaka bus stop
Get out of the SOUTH gate of the temple, there are two bus stops available.
Toji-minamimon-mae bus stop on your right and Kujo-omiya bus stop on your left.
(Both are located at temple side of the road, you don’t need to cross)
About 20 min ride on the bus No.202, get off at Gojozaka bus stop, plus 13 min walk to Kiyomizu temple.
«Toji temple to Kinkakuji temple by bus»