From Kinkakuji (golden pavilion) to Kiyomizu-dera Temple
1. Overview

How to get to Kiyomizu Temple from Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) ?
You can go by Bus. For example…
〈1〉 by Walk (or Bus to Kitaoji Bus Terminal) + Kyoto City Bus No.206,
〈2〉 by Kyoto City Bus No.204 + Kyoto City Bus No.202.
The recommended way to Kiyomizu Temple from Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) is “by Bus”.
There is no trains or direct bus service available between them.
The map below is the overview of the bus routes, stops, time and fare.
One of the nearest bus stop from Kinkakuji temple is Kinkakuji-michi.
From Kinkakuji-michi bus stop to Kiyomizu Temple, there is no direct bus service available.
But, if you just walk to the next bus stop, Senbon-Kitaoji, Kyoto City Bus No.206 take you to Kiyomizu Temple directly.
(Of course, if you are bus one-day pass or subway & bus one-day pass holder, you can go to the next stop by some buses, too. In that case, I’ll show you better bus stop to transfer (Kitaoji Bus Terminal) in the following section.)
Actually, many other bus routes are available if you change buses to go to Kiyomizu Temple.
So, I’ll show you a recommended way among those routes.
That’s Kyoto City Bus No.204 + No.202 .
Bus No. 204 departs from Kinkakuji-michi bus stop B, and transfer to Bus No.202 at Marutamachi-Keihan-mae bus stop.
If you take buses for Kitaoji Bus Terminal to take the Bus No.206 , those buses depart from Kinkakuji-michi bus stop C.
Bus fare is ¥230 per ride.
(In March 2023, the bus transfer discount with IC Cards ended.)
From the arrival Kiyomizu-michi bus stop to Kiyomizu Temple, it takes about 10 minutes’ walk.
Please note that the buses are likeiy to take much more time on peak season becouse of heavy traffic jam.
The followings are the details.
2. By Walk (or Bus) + Bus No.206 for Kiyomizu Temple

From Kinkakuji Temple to Kiyomizu temple by the route of bus No.206 , it takes at least 70 to 75 minutes including walking and average waiting time.
Bus No.206 for Kiyomizu Temple departs from Senbon-Kitaoji bus stop A.
This Bus doesn’t come to one of the nearest bus stop (Kinkakuji-michi), so you need about 10 minutes’ walk to Senbon-Kitaoji bus stop from Kinkakuji Temple.
And I’ll show you another way to take the No.206 at Kitaoji Bus Terminal by using buses from Kinkakuji-michi.
1. The Way to Senbon-Kitaoji Bus Stop from Kinkakuji Temple

After getting out of the gate of Kinkakuji, walk along the tree-lined street until the end (Nishioji Street).
And then, turn left.

Soon, you come to Kinkakuji-michi bus stop C.
If you have Bus One-Day Pass or Subway & Bus One-day Pass…..
take buses (No. 204 , 205 ) from this bus stop to Kitaoji Bus Terminal instead of Senbon-Kitaoji, and change to No. 206 (depart from bus stop B of the terminal). Because more bus services are available at the Termial, compared with the Senbon-Kitaoji.
Otherwise, keep walking along the Nishioji street.

Walk to the right direction toward Kitaoji street, following the road.

Keep walking along the Kitaoji street in 5 minutes, then you come to Senbon-Kitaoji intersection.
Senbon-Kitaoji bus stop A is located after crossing the crosswalk.

After crossing the crosswalk (Senbon street), you will see Senbon-Kitaoji bus stop A ahead.
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.206

At Senbon-Kitaoji bus stop A, take Kyoto City Bus No.206 .
Buses are operated every 15 minutes in the daytime.
3. (If by Bus from Kinkakuji-michi) Change at Kitaoji Bus Terminal to No.206

If you take buses from Kinkakuji-michi bus stop, please change at Kitaoji Bus Terminal (about 12 minutes’ ride).
After getting off, head for bus stop B in the Red Platform of the Terminal.
You may see 2 types of bus No.206, one is bound for Kyoto Station and the other is loop type via Kyoto station. But you can ride any type of No.206 , operated every 7 or 8 minutes.
If you take bus No.206 from Senbon-Kitaoji, you don’t need to get off at the terminal, keep riding the same bus No.206.
4. Get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, and Turn left the intersection ahead

In at least 48 minutes’ ride, buses arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop.
After getting off, walk forward direction, and turn left at the Kiyomizu-michi intersection ahead.

Keep walking along the uphill street.
On the way, you will see a lot of souvenir shops on your both side.
5. Finally, the Gate of Kiyomizu Temple !

In about 10 minutes’ walk from Kiyomizu-michi bus stop, you come to Kiyomizu Temple !
3. By Kyoto City Bus No.204 + No.202 for Kiyomizu Temple
To go by changing buses from Kinkakuji Temple to Kiyomizu Temple, it takes about 65 to 75 minutes including walking and average wating or transfer time.
Subway & Bus One-day Pass is available.
If you pay by cash, the bus fare is ¥460 in total.
Please change buses from No.204 to No.202 on the way.
Actually, you can change any bus stops between Nishinokyo-Enmachi (JR Enmachi sta.) to Marutamachi-Keihan-mae (Keihan Railway Jingu-Marutamachi Sta.).
I recommend you change at Marutamachi-Keihan-mae bus stop, because you can also take Keihan Railway train for Kiyomizu Temple if necessary, although you need 10 more minutes’ walk compared with bus No.202.
(Please do not change buses at Kumano-jinja-mae bus stop, because No.204 and No.202 stop different bus stops, and those two stops are far apart.)
The followings are the details.
1. Head for Kinkakuji-michi Bus Stop B

After getting out of Kinkakuji Temple, please head for Kinkakuji-michi bus stop B.
This bus stop is located on your right side after crossing the Nishioji street, when you come from Kinkakuji Temple along the tree-lined street.
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.204

At Kinkakuji-michi bus stop B, take Kyoto City Bus No.204 .
This bus is operated almost every 15 minutes in the daytime.
3. Change buses at Marutamachi-Keihan-mae Bus Stop from No.204 to No.202

In at least 27 minutes’ ride, bus No.204 arrive at Marutamachi-Keihan-mae bus stop, meaning Keihan Railway Jingu-Marutamachi station.

Change buses to bus No.202 at the same bus stop.
So, it is very easy to transfer.
Bus No.202 is operated 4 or 5 times per hour in the daytime.
4. Get off at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop

In at least 14 minutes’ ride, the bus No.202 arrive at Kiyomizu-michi bus stop.
After getting off, walk to forward direction.
The way from Kiyomizu-michi bus stop to Kiyomizu Temple is the same as explained in the previous section.