From Kinkakuji (golden pavilion) to Nijo Castle
1. Overview
How to get to Nijo Castle from Kinkakuji Temple (Golden Pavilion) ?
Usually, you can go “by Kyoto City Bus No.12“.
The recommended way to Nijo Castle from Kinkakuji temple (golden pavilion) is “by Bus”.
There is no train services available between them.
The map below is the overview of the bus stops, routes, time and fare.
From Kinkakuji Temple to Nijo Castle, Kyoto City Bus No. 12 is available.
Bus fare is ¥230.
Of course you can use Subway & Bus One-Day Pass.
Please wait for the bus No. 12 at Kinkakuji-michi bus stop C.
And, get off at Nijojo-mae bus stop.
The followings are the detail.
1. Head for correct Bus Stop (Kinkakuji-michi C).

After getting out of Kinkakuji Temple, please walk straight in 2 minutes along the street lined with trees.
Then you come to the road called Nishioji street.

To the left direction before crossing the Nishioji street, there is bus stop C that bus No.12 depart from.
2. Take Kyoto City Bus No.12.

For taking bus No.12 , please wait at this Bus Stop C.
Espesially in the afternoon on weekdays, the buses may be full because of university students.
(Picture : Kinkakuji-mchi bus stop C)
3. Get off at Nijojo-mae Bus Stop, Nijo Castle is at the Opposite Side.

In 21 minutes, buses arrive at Nijojo-mae bus stop.
All buses arrive at the same stop.
Nijo Castle is the opposite side of the road.
4. After Getting off, Cross the backward Crosswalk.

After getting off the buses, walk to the backward direction and cross the crosswalk.
Then, you can see the ticket office and the entrance on your left.

(the picture : Nijo Castle Ticket Office)